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South/middle shore of Lake Zarovich.
This down has more color than Barovia, less bled out. More natural smells of animals, a town. Animals are kept inside.


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Arasek Stockyards

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This large stockyard has several locked sheds along its periphery and lies adjacent to a roomy warehouse. A wooden sign above the front gate reads "Arasek Stockyard."

Blue Water Inn

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The bartender is in between in is vibrancy.
Brom Martikov is the child service. His mother is at the bar talking with the innkeeper. Martikov family.
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  • Red Dragon Crush
  • Purple Grapemash 3
  • Beet Soup
  • Purple Grapemash
  • Wolf Steak

Saint Adral's Church

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This slouching, centuries-old stone church has a bulging steeple in the back and walls lined with cracked, stained glass windows depicting pious saints. A fence of wrought iron encloses a garden of gravestones next to the church. A thin mist creeps among the graves.
Church of the Morninglord. Father Lucian Petravich presides.

Rictavio's Carnival of Wonders

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Parked at the south end of the stockyard is a sturdy carnival wagon, its colorful paint peeling off. Faded lettering on its sides spells out the words "Rictavio's Carnival of Wonders." A heavy padlock secures the back door.


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Brom - Child at the Blue Water Inn.
Baron and Baroness of Vallaki