COS 13 - The Next Thing

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Date: 2022-10-14 Location:


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  • Kas'asar Xar'Cha - Rees, Jeffrey
  • Carric - Daymude, Mark
  • Nyx - Ippolito, Paul
  • Zedifur - Bryan


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Back in Vallaki at the Saint Adral's Church after recovering Tome of Strahd. Now, to the Villiage Drown in Water. The priest things this must be the ruin village of Berez off the Luna River. Avoided due to evil feel.

Vision in a Dream for Kas.

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See through someone else eyes, in some dank dungeon. Probably in the castle. See a handsome man, fine clothes. But clothes are aged. The man looks handsome but ancient is some way. Must be Strahd von Zarovich . Can feel the body is in extreme pain, shackled. A dark elf. Strahd is talking to them - monologuing. Is asking about another female elf (likely Kas). Somehow, they are projecting to me, sharing this. Its Alaundril Zolond, Priestess of Vulkoor. "It is the will of Vulkoor"

To Berez

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The dirt and grass soon turn to marsh as the trail dissolves into spongy earth pockmarked with stands of tall reeds and pools of stagnant water. A thick shroud of fog covers all. Scattered throughout the marsh are old peasant cottages, their walls covered with black mildew, their roofs mostly caved in. These decrepit dwellings seem to hunker down in the mire, as though they have long since given up on escaping the thick mud. Everywhere you look, black clouds of flies dart about, hungry for blood.
The fog is much thinner on the far side of the river, where a light flashes amid a dark ring of standing stones.
Someone seems to flashing a light in our direction across the river by the standing stones. Zedifur finds a great place to cross the river.


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A dozen moss-covered menhirs form a near-perfect circle in the spongy earth. These weathered stones range in height from 15 to 18 feet. A couple of them lean inward as if to share some great secret with their inscrutable neighbors. A wary-looking peasant woman lurks behind the tallest stone, a rusty lantern clutched in one gnarled hand and a dagger clutched in the other.
Muriel Vinshaw is one of the souled. Looks to be Barovian, and not Vistani. An ancient and powerful hag named Baba Lysaga lives in a hut in the middle of the village. When not in her hut, Baba Lysaga flies around in a giant skull. Baba Lysaga periodically sends her scarecrows to attack the Wizard of Wines, a winery and vineyard west of Berez.


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Through the fog you see the empty shell an old stone church, north of which is a cemetery of leaning gravestones enclosed by a disintegrating iron fence. Half of the cemetery has sunk into the mire.
Nothing here of interest.

The Mansion

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Toward the south end of the village lie the remains of a mansion built on higher ground. It has been reduced to piles of stone and rotting timber. Empty, arched windows stare at you. South of the ruin, an untamed garden runs rampant, surrounded by broken walls that are no longer able to contain it. East of the ruin, someone has erected a crude wooden fence, forming a circular yard in which several goats are penned. Surmounting the fence posts are human skulls.
We avoided.

The Statue

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Hidden by the fog and elevated a few feet above the surrounding marsh is a raised plot of land, barely ten feet on a side, enclosed by a disintegrating iron fence. In the center of the plot is a life-sized stone monument carved in the likeness of a kneeling peasant girl clutching a rose. Although her features are gray and weatherworn, she bears a striking resemblance to Ireena Kolyana. Carved into the monument's base is an epitaph. "Marina, Taken by the Mists"
Carric looks around the statue. There is an oddity around the base. Carric digs around and pulls out some an amulet - the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. Then creatures rise up out of the mire (Zombies?). We outpaced them. The old lady is gone, but her stuff is there (set down).
Back to Vallaki.
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CoS 12 - The Wizard's Tower| Curse of Strahd | CoS 14 - Amber Temple